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Art by Jani

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I draw and paint influential art and also sometimes  portraits. Techniques used in artworks are Faber Castell´s pens, charcoal and oil colours.

Influential art has multiple layers and there´s a hidden message. It stops you and gets you think. It touches you deeper inside. Have you found your true face and your own life. Why continuing pursuit in life makes you feel empty. All that hard work and even after succeeding you are followed by insufficiency. Where can you find inner peace. Are we pursuing correct things in life. Can life be found from littleness. Instead of straining could life be found from weakness, by having the courage to watch your shadow and grow small. Shall I give life the opportunity to guide me into correct pathway. Will I repeat the same old formula or be humble to learn how to live life. Only by stopping you will get to the adventure which can be found from every mans heart. 

Please contact if you wish to have my artworks in your exhibition. 

Thank you for your message!


Night of the Faith -popup exhibition in Michael´s church  26.11.2019 


Night of the Art in Kaarina´s Home church 15.8.2019


Interview in Kaarina's newspaper 14.8.2019


"Beside Human Being" -exhibition at Turku Airport

Art exhibition 'Beside Human Being' star
And exhibition from other direction...😊
And here's the poster of the art exhibit

Art happening for children

in Skanssi shopping mall 24.11.2018

Tänään oli kolmannen kerran muksuille pi

Canvas print donation for TYKS woman's hospital 16.11.2018

Tyksin naistenklinikka_edited.jpg

Canvas print -exhibition in Café Michael 9.11.2018

Nonnii, nyt kun Skanssissa pyörii vielä

Art happening for children

in Skanssi shopping mall 30.9.2018

Taas oli mukava piirtelyhetki sunnuntain

Artwork in Jippu's CD

inspired by Getsemane hit song

Jippu on julkaissut uuden levyn. Eikä si

Art happening for children

in Skanssi shopping mall 26.8.2018


Opening  of art exhibition "Beside human being" in Skanssi shopping mall  18.8.2018


Art exhibition "Beside human being" in Skanssi shopping mall 16.8.2018


Art exhibition in City library of  Naantali 2.7.-31.7.2018

Interview in Turun Sanomat newspaper 29.6.2018

Art exhibition in Café Michael 


Art exhibition in Café Michael 


Night of the Faith -exhibition in Michael´s church 27.-29.10.2017

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